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Society Vidya Prasarak Mandal's

Mungasaji Maharaj Mahavidyalaya, Darwha

Dist - Yavatmal (M.S.)

(Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati)

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Strengths :

  • The institution situated near by the state highway enjoys locational advantages which enable the students and staff to commute conveniently by bus, bikes, auto etc.

  • Society enjoys a good reputation in the region.

  • Student centered teaching-learning.

  • Valuable collection of books in library.

  • Well equipped and well maintained Science laboratory and library and seminar hall.

  • Transparency in recruitment and financial matter.

  • Good coordination among the Management, Staff, Students and Parents.

  • Research activities have got momentum with increase in number of publications during last five years.

  • The cooperation of dedicated staff members ensures smooth functioning of the institution.

  • The Faculty members particularly come forward spontaneously to shoulder many responsibilities related to the furtherance of vision and the wellbeing of the institution.

  • Democratic and participatory governance ensures cordial relationships among the stakeholders and a healthy work culture in the campus.

Weaknesses :

  • College is located in rural and tribal area.

  • Inadequate financial resources.

  • All classrooms are not ICT enabled.

  • Location disadvantage for strengthening academia-industry linkages.

  • Socioeconomic background of the studentslimits us on implementation of value added courses.


  • To introduce new skill-development and vocational courses.

  • To organizing National seminars and Conferences.

  • To organize sports and cultural events.

  • To introduce job oriented and post graduate programme.

  • To bring about convenient academic collaboration such as Faculty Exchange Programmes and Inter-College Students’ Seminars, among other ventures.