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Mungasaji Maharaj Mahavidyalaya, Darwha is one of the oldest Arts, Commerce and Science colleges of the YavatmalDistrict completing its 50th years in 2020. The college is established in 1971 by late BalasahebGhuikhedkar a renowned sahkarmaharshi and sociolist of his time. His schooling cannot be traced out and perhaps this might be the reason which grieved him too much and consequently motivated him to provide the higher education to the students of adjacent area, the education which he himself could not get and remained thirsty all through his life and kept on yearning in desire to gain it.
Nevertheless, the vision that he possessed cannot tag him as an illiterate person, rather he may be called an unschooled person having great vision and mission of life.
Mungasaji Maharaj Mahavidyalaya is located in Darwha which is a taluka place surrounded by the rural areas. The college is affiliated to SantGadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati. The College is on the hill place of the town and Yavatmali-Darwha state highway passes right from its main gate. Its southwards Yavatmal district is situated while at its east, north and west, talukas named Ner, Digrass ,Karanja and Arni are respectively located. It deserves special mention that the area is known for belt of Cotton. The college falls in the category of co-education (grant-in-aid) and every year in an average 2500 students are admitted for various academic courses. As far senior section of the college is concerned, almost 2000 students are accommodated in the various streams and programmes offered by the college. To carry out all the functioning of the college, almost 60 teaching and non-teaching staff has been striving tirelessly since its establishment and the college has been continuously trying to ascend its progress graph having no feeling of satiety.